Today We’ll have a look at the third and last piece from the new range of Shake&Vape tobacco flavours from TI Juice. This one is different from the previous two and in my opinion offers a little bit of nostalgia.

Creators descriptions says this is a strong dark tobacco with hints of light spices and light smokey aroma.
Before we start, let’s repeat the usual: Taste is a really subjective matter so whatever is that i like may not be the thing you like. Also I’m not really into tobacco flavors so my opinion may be different to opinions of others.
After opening the bottle and smelling it for the first time I was a bit worried because of the smokey aroma. I was worried it would be one of the ash-tray like tobaccos. But after tasting I was nicely surprised. The flavor is not as ashy as i was worried.
Let’s start with the tobacco, which is a bit heavier than in the previous two pieces, but not that strong that i wouldn’t be able to vape it. First few drags you may have the feeling this is the ashy tobacco, but with more drags the taste will offer you a nice combination of spices which is in the finale nicely complimented by the smokey aroma.
Right from the begining I knew this aroma reminds me of something and I didn’t knew what. But then it came to my mind: this whole combination of the flavor reminds me of a classic wooden pipe that I got from my grandpa a long time ago, filled with a quality aromatic tobacco. So Dice No. 21 has awaken a bit of nostalgia in me.
Overall the flavor is more intense and dense and will not be for everyone, more for the people who really enjoy tobacco vapes.
But i have to say this is my favorite in the Lucky Dice range.
Dice No. 21 is sold in a 60ml bottle which contains 10ml of concentrate that needs to be filled with base and booster. Creator recommends using a 50/50 base since this flavor is meant to be used for MTL vaping and after mixing it only needs two days of steeping.