Today we’ll have a look at a completely new brand and range of e-liquids, that are hitting the market. The brand is Differ and has three ranges so far. This time we’re looking at the Super Supai range. The main idea behind the range is to bring fruity & sour/acidic flavours, which is something still not as common on the market.
The visual design of the range is inspired by Tokyo’s neon signs and looks futuristic. Each bottle comes in its own box, the bottle has capacity of 60ml and contains 50ml of 70VG juice ready for the nicshot and/or VG/PG based on your preference.
Before we start, let’s state the usuall: taste is a subjective matter so whatever I like and suits me doesn’t have to suit you and the other way around.
There is a slight downside to the whole range and that is its sweetness, which you’ll have to deal with in your cotton and coils since they’ll get dark very quickly.
Acidic Apple
We’ll start with one piece that appealed to me the least from the range. The flavour of Acidic Apple sits somewhere between apple candy rings and Tang-like drink powder. The apple taste is slightly overpowered by the sweetness and the sourness is really slight and comes in at the end. After few drags you’ll start to recognize the flavour of the crispy apple peel, but the rest of the apple, even thought it gets more real, stays more candy like. I’m not saying it’s artificial, but not a fresh apple either.
Overall the taste is more sweet and not as sour as you’d expect it to be and as the lick test suggests.
Strawberry & Raspberry
As the name promises, the main flavour is combination of sweet strawberry combined with a slightly sour raspberry. The sourness is still not really prominent, but nicely accompanies the flavour of those berries. The sweetness is still a bit stronger than the sourness, but allows the fruity flavours to come through.

Orange is much better than the Tangerine. It has the nice sweetness of an orange accompanied by a nice sourness and a little bit of the citrus bitterness. It also has a little aftertaste that reminds me of something herbal i’ve came across in the Femme Fatale range. The sourness is little bit more stronger than the sweetness and i like it since this is a citrus vape. Overall the flavour is quite nice and refreshing and would probably work with a little bit of cooling, but still will be a good choice for the summer.
I’m not really sure how i feel about this flavour. I was hoping for a little bit more sour alternative to the Orange, but it got me a little bit disappointed. The initial taste is a little bit like a sweet tangerine with the peel. The taste is nicely sweet and not very sour. But the reason why I’m a bit disappointed is that the taste gets a little bit weird and almost soapy, which i don’t really like. Maybe it’s just my desert-liking taste buds, but this one probably won’t be the one I’ll return to someday.
I have to say one thing thought. This flavour really rely on the build in your tank. I’ve tried it in several RDAs and RTAs, but the best taste came in a sub-ohm tank, but it wasn’t any miracle.
At first I wasn’t sure if I’ll like this flavour, but it surprised me. The flavour resembles nice sour cranberry juice, but I’d also say there is a little bit of some grapes in it. It isn’t as overpowered with sweetness and has a nice balance between sourness, fuitiness and sweetness. What i like about it is that it feels nicely fresh and i’d say it would go nicely with a bit of mint or cooling, but that is not the idea of this range.
Kiwi & Lime
I’ve never had a kiwi vape before. Therefore this piece was a bit of a mystery for me. With this combination of flavours, this piece has a little bit different sourness than the rest. Or better said two layers of sourness. The first one is the fruity sourness with a little bit of lime’s bitterness, the second one is the candy-like sourness that is present in the rest of the range. Another nice aspect of this flavour is the little bit tickling feeling in the back of your month that you’ll get from the kiwi. This piece is definitely something DIFFERent (pun intended) than your usual fruity vape and for me it stands out in the whole range.

Overall this range is definitely a range for people who like sweet fruity vapes and for those, who would like to get something sour in their tanks. I wouldn’t say the flavours are straight authentic fruit ones, more of a candy/beverage ones. Some of them sometimes get a little bit artificial after taste, but except for the Tangerine nothing that would bother me.
Thanks to Differ for sending us the Super Supai range for the purpose of this review.